Future of Social, Technology and Mobile! Now and after!

2015 is definitely going to be another year to look forward to a lot exciting things regarding technology, mobile and social. We can expect advancements in what we see, wear and how we socialize.

This article is going to lay out the top trends in emerging technologies which you can expect to experience either in 2015 or years to come.

  1. Socialization

There wahttps://i0.wp.com/growingsocialmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Social-Media-Touch-HD-ForWallpapers.com_.jpgs a time when status updates and tweets were of the main focus on social networking sites but since the beginning of 2014, this trend has been shifting towards photos, videos and gifs and 2015 is going to be the year of social websites like Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. Photo sharing is way to socialize in 2015!

  1. Mobilehttp://

Comparing to what we could do with our mobile phones just a few years back and what possibilities we have now is truly mind blowing. We barely need our PCs and Laptops anymore because our mobiles can do almost everything while just fitting in the palm of our hand. They are getting slimmer with larger screens and cutting edge wireless technologies to make it easier for us to connect to the world and do business on the go.

  1. Payments

https://i0.wp.com/www.onlinebusiness.newstipstricks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/What-is-a-Secure-Payment-System.jpgAren’t most of us already sick of carrying so many cards and wallet with money in our pockets? This is the reason why smart payment technologies and apps like iPay are coming into play to make it even easier for us to pay and at the same time get rid of all the paper and plastic. Money is nothing other than numbers and soon what it all will be is virtual.


  1. 3D Printing

A few years back, one could not have even imagined about buying a 3D printer but now it’s not only getting affordable but mainstream too. You are able to print almost everything with the help of 3D printers starting from food, to cars and even homes!

  1. Interconnected Things

Right now we only witness such technologies in movies but the time is not far away when we will have at 10 things in our life which will be interconnected including our phones, cars and homes.

  1. Health

https://i0.wp.com/venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/first-aid-screen-health-tech.jpgIt has always been our goal to make such technological advancements in health sector which help us in living longer and healthier lives. Starting from telemedicine to getting treated by doctors while living thousands of miles away is what awaits us in the future and not to forget the miracle of living with a 3D printed organ.


  1. Wearables

Google Glasses are one of the top examples in how advance the technology has become in the sector of wearables. In 2015 and years to come, we will see people wearing tech watches, bands and lenses and these gadgets will be able to do all those things that our phones can.

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